It's a mum's blog

Posts tagged ‘stroller exercise’

Busy mom’s perfect exercise program!!

A new mom is always pressed with time and taking out time for her workout is just so difficult. You join gym but can’t keep up with your schedule because your baby was unwell or your husband was unavailable to babysit…and at the end your exercise routine and drive goes down the drain…. 🙂

“Busy mom’s perfect exercise program is the one that involves her and the baby”

 A mom always put herself last in her priority list and always choose her kid over her own needs so best is to combine her kid’s time with her exercise time!!!!

So, if you are a busy mom who struggles to find time to exercise here are some ideas:

  • Walking with your baby secured in a sling, carrier or riding in a stroller is a great cardio exercise. It helps you stay in shape without making much effort, you should start walking at a comfortable pace and gradually increase the length and intensity.

  • Stroller-exercises are very popular in the west where you have stoller exercise programs. Well, in India you dont have trainers for it but you can train yourself. So, snap your baby in stroller and you can walk, run, or do exercise.
  • Baby Naptime can be used as your mom exercise time, you can run a mile on treadmill or skip a rope.
  • Mom & baby exercise is another great option that you can do at home or outdoors. You hold, lift and pull your baby as a prop and he gets so excited with all the fun around him..

busy  om's perfect exercise regime

  • Kegels our old friend can be done anywhere at anytime. You can do this while watching TV, making bottles or making your baby sleep …just make a conscious effort.
  • If you love Practicing yoga, Pilate, Zumba, aerobics then do it with your baby. You can either request your instructor to teach you along with your baby or buy DVDs or download few videos and you are ready for a new workout!!

  • Organize exercise park dates with your friends so that you can exercise together and take turns in taking care of baby and exercise.

So mommas if you have been lazy lately and not been exercising hope these suggestion help you find you your suited exercise regime…. gear on and get going……

If you do exercise and think it let you create balance and stay fit…share your mantra…:-)


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